Newborn~ Oregon City Baby Photographer / Robinwood Photography

Another darling newborn in the studio! Lots of baby girls lately! Little "K" was 6 weeks old and was already so chubby! She seemed so smart, and acted so old for a newborn. She gave us great eye contact, which is rare at this age. She brought along her older sister for some sibling shots, and while we were waiting for little tiny to go to sleep, we went outside and took some individual shots of Miss B. She has been coming to us since she was 1. It's been fun watching her grow, and now we get to do the same with her little sister! Hope you enjoy their preview!
Melt down is starting....
And that's a wrap! Officially melted down! We think it's funny and cute, someday the Mom will look back at this and laugh!
The End!


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