Senior Rep~ Oregon City Senior Portrait Photographer / Robinwood Photography

Every year I offer limited spots for graduates to become a Senior Representative for Robinwood Photography. It's a great opportunity for you to receive money to go towards prints, discounts on your session, and free personalized cards to pass out to your friends with your own pictures from your session. It's a great incentive for both the client and Robinwood Photography! This girl will be a Senior this coming up school year and she was very smart to get a jump start on the program! Not only does she have her pictures done and out of the way, it gives her more time to scout out potential clients to get her some money! She got her hair and make up done by my stylist team and she looked so beautiful and grown up. Yearbook images are due the first of the school year so get a head of crowds and book your appointment today! If you are interested in becoming a Senior Rep or scheduling with my stylists please contact me for more information!


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