Fall Family Pictures ~ Oregon City Portrait Photographer / Robinwood Photography

We really lucked out on the weather for this session! We were back and forth about canceling because it called for rain. The hard part was, if we rescheduled, the fall color would be gone because it called for non-stop rain for the next 10 days! It rained on my way and I was so nervous and worried! The clouds broke up for a while and we even got some sunlight! They were such an adorable family with three little kids. Loved all the sweet candid moments of them playing with their kids. Those are the best years of their lives and I'm so glad they came to Robinwood to capture that.

This is my favorite of him.  Close up black and whites are always my favorite! 

Aren't they a cute family?!  

Love these moments with Daddy and Mommy!  


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